
During the fall and spring semesters, currently enrolled degree-seeking students may preregister for the following academic semester. Students must consult with their assigned academic advisor and obtain his/her approval before preregistering for classes. Prior to preregistering/registering for classes, a student’s account must be paid to date and all health records must be complete in the Engle Center. Students are considered actively enrolled the first day of classes.

Adding a Course. Students may add courses through the end of the second week of classes each semester. Changes made in the second week of classes and beyond require the written approval of the instructor and the student’s academic advisor on a Drop/Add form. Schedule additions after the second week of the semester require approval of the Registrar. A fee may be assessed for each course change processed by the Registrar's Office. Students may add a J-term course during the first three days of J-term.

Dropping and Withdrawing from a Course. Courses may be dropped during the first third of the term and will not appear on the student’s transcript. Students may withdraw from a course during the second third of the term. Courses from which a student has withdrawn will be indicated with a “W” on the student’s transcript. Dropped or Withdrawn courses do not affect the student’s grade point average. After the first five class days of a semester, a fee may be assessed for each course change requested. Specific deadline dates for course changes are posted each semester on the Registrar’s homepage.