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2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog
Undergraduate Course Offerings
ENGL - English
/ ENGL 230
Programs of Study
A Christian University of the Liberal & Applied Arts & Sciences
University-Wide Accreditation and Memberships
Academic Definitions
Academic Policies and Procedures
Off-Campus and Study Abroad Learning Opportunities
General Education (QuEST)
Experiential Learning
School of the Arts
School of Business, Education and Social Sciences
School of the Humanities
School of Science, Engineering and Health
Undergraduate Course Offerings
ACCT - Accounting
ADED - Adventure Education
APHS - Applied Health Science
ART - Art
ARTH - Art History
ARTM - Arts Management
ASI - AuSable Institute
ATED - Athletic Training
ATHT-Athletic Training
BIBL - Bible
BIOL - Biology
BUSA - Business Administration
CHEM - Chemistry
CHIN - Chinese
CHRM - Christian Ministries
CIS - Computer & Information Science
COMM - Communication
COUN - Counseling
CRIJ - Criminal Justice
DANC - Dance
DIGM - Digital Media
ECON - Economics
EDSP - Special Education
EDUC - Education
ELIR - Experiential Learning Init
ENGL - English
ENGL 201
ENGL 202
ENGL 203
ENGL 204
ENGL 230
ENGR - Engineering
ENVS - Environmental Science
ESS - Earth and Space Science
EXPR - Exploration
FINA - Finance
FREN - French
GEOG - Geography
GEOL - Geology
GERM - German
GERO - Gerontology
GEST - General Studies
GIS - Geographic Information Systems
GREK - Greek
HDFS - Human Develop & Family Science
HEAS - HU Ethnic and Area Studies
HEBR - Hebrew
HIST - History
HONR - Honors
HRM - Human Resource Management
HUMA - Humanities
HUMS - Human Services
IBI - International Business Institute
IBUS - International Business
IDCC - Interdisciplinary-Cross Culture
IDCR - Interdisciplinary-Core Course
IDET - Interdisciplinary-Ethics
IDFY - Interdisciplinary-First Yr Sem
IDNW - Interdisciplinary-NonWestern
IDPL - Interdisciplinary-Pluralism
IDST - Interdiscplinary-Sci,Tech,Wrld
IDWR - Interdisciplinary-BasicWriting
IDWV - Interdisciplinary-World Views
INTE - Internship
LANG - Language Training
LATN - Latin
LEAD - Leadership
MATH - Mathematics
MRKT - Marketing
MUAP - Music - Applied
MUCM - Music - Church Commercial
MUED - Music Education
MUEN - Music Ensembles
MUGE - Music Gen Ed
MUMH - Music History
MUSI - Music
MUTH - Music Theory
NURS - Nursing
NUTR - Nutrition
PACS - Peace and Conflict Studies
PHED - Physical Education
PHIL - Philosophy
PHSC - Physical Sciences
PHYS - Physics
POLI - Politics
PSYC - Psychology
RELI - Religion
SCIE-Lab Science
SERV - Service Learning
SOCI - Sociology
SOWK - Social Work
SPAN - Spanish
SPMT - Sport Management
STAT - Statistics
SUST - Sustainability Studies
TEP - Teacher Education Program
THEA - Theatre
THEO - Theology
URBS - Urban Studies
WELL - Wellness
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ENGL 230
An introduction to language and linguistics with an emphasis on tools and methods for language study.