EDME 557 Mathematics Curriculum and Instruction

Includes teaching strategies and best practices for standards appropriate for PreK to intermediate grades in mathematics. Students learn to support the development of early number concepts, basic facts, discourse in the mathematics classroom, productive struggle, problem solving, student-centered instruction, invented strategies and algorithms for four operations, benchmark and progress monitoring data analysis, prescriptive instruction, progression of skills, questioning techniques, diagnostic interviews, and multi-tiered systems of support framework. Includes exploration of standards for mathematical practices, what it means to know, learn, and do math, content vs. process standards, high-leverage practices, virtual resources, and lesson study.




EDME 503


class='sc-courselink' href='/en/2023-2024/graduate-catalog/course-offerings/edme-education-gr/500/edme-534'>EDME 534 or EDME 538