Experiential Learning

Messiah students have a common learning degree requirement to complete a minimum of one identified experiential learning activity from the following list of curricular and co-curricular categories: Internships/ Practica, Service Learning, Off-Campus Programs, Leadership or Undergraduate Research. All approved Experiential Learning Initiative (ELI) options include a minimum of 40 hours of applied experience.

Internships/Practica. All credit-bearing internships through the centralized Internship Program within the Career and Professional Development Center (CPDC) meet ELI requirements. Practica/field experiences that meet ELI within departments will be specifically designated.

Service Learning. All approved Service-Learning courses (SL) meet ELI requirements.

Off-Campus Programs. All approved semester-long programs and approved cross-cultural programs meet ELI requirements.

Leadership. Select student leadership experiences, for which students must apply, are approved to meet ELI.

Research. Research experiences that meet ELI within departments will be specifically designated. Quality undergraduate research or creative projects result in a project that has potential for peer reviewed dissemination in the form of presentation, publication, exhibition or performance.

As part of its distinctive, Messiah’s ELI includes 1) a common reflection component that addresses the primary outcomes of career development and community engagement In other words, experiential learning in light of the ELI will be augmented to allow students to be even more intentional and to cultivate greater connection and application of their learning to multiple contexts. 2) To facilitate this process, students participating in an ELI experience will have an educator-advisor whose role is to provide meaningful feedback toward the ELI-specific outcomes. As a result of engaging in the ELI, students will learn to articulate the tangible impact of their experience on their academic learning, personal and professional development, and community contributions. 3) To ensure that the ELI leads to the stated outcomes of career development and community engagement, students will be required to translate the learning from their reflection into a “deliverable” that is contextualized for an external audience relevant to the students’ future goals (employer, graduate school, etc.). Note: Students may not register for an ELI experience until they have completed at least 24 credits.