
The General Education for Adult Degree Programs (ADP), serves as a curricular progression through which students develop skills, abilities and perspectives necessary to become collaborative agents in the contemporary workforce and society. This progression is intended to complement and parallel the academic majors in a way which allows students to respond with maturity to the world’s complexities by raising important questions, exposing students to multiple perspectives, and ways of knowing (i.e. arts, humanities, natural sciences, social sciences). In doing so, our curriculum encourages critical thinking and the application of knowledge from diverse disciplines, informed by faith and a sense of purpose, to relevant issues which shape our lives. The curriculum is divided into four outcomes which reflect Messiah’s educational objectives.

Messiah’s General Education program consists of 40 credits in four areas to help students develop skills, abilities and perspectives necessary to become collaborative agents in the contemporary workforce and society.

  1. Practical and Professional Skills (technological competence, critical thinking, listening, discussion, and reading; writing, information literacy; oral, interpersonal, and team communication)
    1. Orientation (.5 credits)
    2. Writing (3 credits)
    3. Oral Communication (3 credits)
  2. Personal & Social Responsibility (self-awareness, tolerance of ambiguity, ethical commitments, intercultural competence)
    1. Ethics (3 credits)
    2. Intercultural Competence (3)
    3. Wellness (.5 credits)
  3. Knowledge of the Liberal Arts (awareness of different perspectives, beliefs, and disciplines, toward recognition of the interdependent nature of human society; creative thinking, learning and synthesizing new ideas)
    1. Quantitative Reasoning and Numeracy (3 credits)
    2. Scientific Investigation (3 credits)
    3. Social Sciences (3 credits)
    4. Literature, Religion, Philosophy, History and Arts (15 credits)
  4. Christian Faith (basic biblical and theological literacy, self-awareness of faith perspective, application of Christian faith to life, Messiah distinctives)
    1. Christian Faith (3 credits)

Some of your requirements for your major may also fulfill General Education requirements. This information is located in the college catalog under the general education requirements tab for your specific major.