General Complaint Outside Due Process

Messiah University has established processes for graduate student complaints that fall under specific categories including, but not limited to concerns founded upon: Academic-related issues, Americans with Disabilities Act, Harassment or Discrimination, Title IX, and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA); which may be reviewed on the Student Complaints Processes website. These policies and procedures are also published in the School of Graduate & Professional Studies Graduate Catalog, as well as program-specific student handbooks and supplemental materials. 

For complaints that fall outside of due process, such as those that may be submitted by personnel, patients, students, or other stakeholders affiliated with a clinical, fieldwork, practicum, or other setting, individuals may submit a written statement or complete a University General Complaint Outside Due Process form within 30 days of the offending incident to the respective program director. If the complaint is related to the program director or is associated with the graduate school or a specific graduate program, then it should be submitted to the Dean of the School of Graduate & Professional Studies. Likewise, if the complaint is related to the Dean, it should be submitted to the Provost. When appropriate, other University offices or personnel may be consulted when addressing the complaint.

All grievances filed in good faith will be taken seriously and reviewed with university personnel as is appropriate for addressing the matter. The University will respond to the complainant in a timely fashion. Retaliation for filing a complaint or participating in the review of a complaint is strictly prohibited.

Documentation regarding the complaint will be maintained in the appropriate University records as designated by the University’s record retention policy.