Recognized Graduate Student Organizations (GSO)
Purpose of Recognized Graduate Student Organizations (GSO)
Recognized Graduate Student Organizations (GSO) are limited to student organizations whose purpose is to support the academic endeavors of a specific Graduate Program and/or the School of Graduate & Professional Studies.
Eligibility for Recognition
To be eligible for official University recognition, applying Graduate Student Organizations must meet the following criteria:
- Clearly demonstrate alignment with Messiah University's mission, identity, and core values.
- Demonstrate support from a sponsoring Graduate Program.
- Secure a full-time Messiah University educator from the sponsoring Graduate Program who will serve as the organization’s advisor.
- Provide evidence for ample student interest in the organization.
- Develop a plan for continued organization funding from the following sources:
- Student Dues
- Organizational fundraising efforts in adherence with University fundraising guidelines.
- Allocated operational funds from the sponsoring Graduate Program’s budget.
- Indirect tax-deductible donations by means of a gift restricted to the sponsoring Graduate Program.
Recognition Application Process
To start a new organization, graduate students will obtain and complete an application from the Dean of the School of Graduate & Professional Studies Office. This application will include:
- Basic organizational information (mission, purpose, organization) that is in alignment with Messiah University's mission, identity, and core values.
- A proposed organizational constitution and by-laws. A constitution is the basic framework of the organization. It should state the general operating procedures and policies of a group, which are not subject to change frequently. The bylaws contain a more detailed method of doing business and specific rules. For example, the constitution would establish that dues are a requirement for membership and would outline the method of determining the amount; and the bylaws would state the specific dues amount.
- A statement outlining any connections to regional or national organizations.
- Names and roles of proposed student leaders.
- A letter of support from the sponsoring Graduate Program.
- A letter of support identifying a full-time Messiah University educator from the sponsoring Graduate Program who will serve as the organization’s advisor.
- Evidence of ample student interest in the organization.
- A plan for continued organization funding from the following sources:
- Student Dues
- Organizational fundraising efforts in adherence with University fundraising guidelines.
- Allocated operational funds from the sponsoring Graduate Program’s budget.
- Indirect tax-deductible donations by means of a gift restricted to the sponsoring Graduate Program.
- List of potential organization activities or events
Applying organizations will submit their completed application for review to graduate student services. Graduate Student Services will complete an initial screening to determine if the applying organization meets all eligibility criteria. If initially approved, the application will then be subject to review by Graduate Council.
The application will be reviewed and subsequently approved or denied by Graduate Council based upon the established criteria. Graduate Council reviews organization applications monthly. If Graduate Council denies the application, the applying student organizations must wait until the following month to reapply for recognition.
If Graduate Council approves an application, the student organization shall immediately be recognized and subsequently receive the responsibilities and privileges afforded all recognized Graduate Student Organizations.
Continuing Requirements/Responsibilities of Recognized Graduate Student Organizations
All recognized GSO’s must fulfill the following requirements and responsibilities:
- Complete the annual report (each April) and submit to graduate student services.
- On-going commitment to financial integrity and stewardship. (student organizations are not permitted to maintain off-campus bank accounts and must utilize the Messiah University Business Office). Student organizations must not run a negative balance.
- Submit significant organization-specific governance changes to graduate student services, for review and approval by Graduate Council.
Privileges of Recognized Graduate Student Organizations
All recognized GSO’s are eligible to receive the following privileges:
- A Messiah University Business Office Account
- Permission to advertise on campus through print and electronic media outlets and to use the Messiah University name, mascot (name and image), word mark, and letterhead.
- Permission to reserve classroom space and other University-owned property for organizational events or activities.
Loss of Recognition
If a recognized GSO fails to meet established expectations for recognized GSOs, it may be placed on a semester-long probation period Graduate Council (majority vote). At the conclusion of the probation, Graduate Council will determine if the organization is compliance and will vote to restore recognition or close the organization (simple majority). Failure to complete the yearly report and maintain financial integrity and accountability may result in the immediate loss of recognized status and probationary status. If an organization is closed by Graduate Council and funds remain in their account, graduate student services will develop a plan in consultation with the sponsoring Graduate Program to equitably distribute the funds. If a student organization runs a negative balance, the sponsoring Program and Student Officers will be required to develop a plan to make the account whole. Any student organization with an established partnership with off-campus organizations or donors must communicate changes in club status with the Office of Development.
Voluntarily Closing an Organization
If an organization no longer wishes to exist and they have funds remaining their account, they must develop a plan in consultation with graduate student services to close the organization and equitably distribute the funds. Any student organization with an established partnership with off-campus organizations or donors must communicate changes in club status with the Office of Development.