Interdisciplinary Courses

Interdisciplinary (ID) courses provide areas of integrated learning in which students wrestle with and address complex questions that face our society and are woven throughout the curriculum. Throughout their General Education experience, students will be challenged to answer these questions by examining different perspectives, theories and experiences in order to arrive at a more discerning conclusion. Students cultivate adeptness in navigating complexity and thinking holistically about these issues in order to reflect upon their own beliefs, as well as bridge values and assumptions of diverse perspectives. In turn, students are empowered to respond to unexpected and ever-changing realities they will encounter in life, work and society. Interdisciplinary courses include:

  • First Year Seminar
  • Ethics and the Common Good
  • Intercultural Perspectives - US
  • Intercultural Perspectives - Global
  • Cross-Cultural

Lists of specific courses meeting General Education requirements, including those cataloged within specific departments which are approved to meet the ID course objectives, are identified in the course descriptions and are published each semester by the Office of the Registrar. Course titles and content in each category may vary from semester to semester.