THEO 3263 Biblical Theology and Global Stewardship (QERC Costa Rica)

The intent of this course will be to discern what the Bible and Christian theology articulate about the nature of the world and the place of human persons in that world. The role of (Christian) human persons in caring for creation will be discerned with special attention to issues of agrarian practices, land economies, and Sabbath principles. A variety of resources will be used to discern how to be good stewards of creation in response to modern day concerns and dilemmas in various habitats, ecological situations, and in the politics and economic practices of governments as human persons address the contemporary situation. Creation will be strongly articulated as being inherently tied to redemption, and vice-versa. As an extension of the theological aspect of this course, the natural sciences will be utilized in a variety of forms to demonstrate what the ‘contemporary situation’ actually is or might be
