Grade Appeal Procedure

If a student disagrees with a grade which has been given in a particular course, and it has been determined that the grade recorded was not in error, the student may initiate the grade appeal process.

  1. Informal discussion between student and instructor. If the discussion results in a grade change, a grade change request is submitted via Self-Service Banner by the instructor. If the matter is not resolved to the student’s satisfaction, the student is referred to the department chair.
  2. Informal discussion between student and department chair. The student should informally discuss the matter with the department chair. The department chair should discuss the concern with the instructor. If the discussions result in a grade change, a grade change request is submitted by the instructor. If the matter is not resolved to the student’s satisfaction, the student is informed that there is a formal appeal procedure. The first informal contact with the department chair must be before the end of the semester following the semester in which the grade was earned.
  3. Formal discussion between student, instructor, and department chair. The department chair should arrange a meeting to discuss the matter with the student and instructor together. If this discussion results in a grade change, a grade change request is submitted via Self-Service Banner by the instructor. The student should be informed in writing of this decision. If the matter is not resolved to the student’s satisfaction, the student should be informed in writing of this decision, along with options available to the student.
  4. Student appeal in writing to department chair. This written appeal must be made within ten working days of the written notification of the student by the department chair of the outcome of the formal discussions. Within ten working days of the student’s appeal, the department chair must inform the instructor of the appeal and provide a copy of the student’s appeal. The instructor has ten working days to provide a written explanation of the student’s grade. The department chair has ten working days to convene a departmental meeting (without the instructor or student present) to review the case and come to a decision based upon the student’s written appeal and the instructor’s written response. The department chair will inform the student of the departmental decision in writing, with copies to the instructor and the school dean. If the decision results in a grade change, the department chair will submit a grade change request to the Registrar with a copy of their response to the student attached.
  5. Student appeal in writing to the School Dean. If the decision of the department is not to the student’s satisfaction, the student may appeal the decision to the school dean. This appeal must be made in writing, within ten working days of the department chair’s letter to the student. The school dean (or assistant school dean, as designated by the dean) shall investigate carefully and render a decision in writing within 30 days; this decision shall be final.
  6. Cases involving the department chair. In any case where the instructor is the department chair, another member of the department will serve in the role of the chair in these proceedings.