Music (B.A.) with Commercial Music Concentration

Program Learning Outcomes

Graduates from Messiah’s Music program can:

  1. Analyze a significant work of music, employing relevant concepts of phrasal, harmonic and structural analysis.
  2. Research a subject in the history of music by employing the major resources of music research, and engaging with those sources to create and support a scholarly argument.
  3. Demonstrate proficiency on a major instrument (or voice).
  4. Articulate an awareness of various career and graduate school options in music.
  5. Articulate a post-graduation plan based on a demonstrated awareness of their own interests and gifts.
  6. Demonstrate mature reflection on their own faith as it informs their work as musicians and their career choices.

Major Requirements

Complete the following for your major:

MUED 251Conducting I: Fundamentals


MUEN xxxMusic Ensemble credits


MUMH 303History of Music I


MUMH 304History of Music II


MUMH 305History of Music III


MUMH 338Studies in Global Music


MUSI 001Concert Attendance


MUSI 481Senior Seminar in Music


MUTH 101Music Theory I


MUTH 102Music Theory II


MUTH 107Sight Singing & Ear Training I


MUTH 108Sight Singing & Ear Training II


MUTH 109Keyboard I


MUTH 110Keyboard II


MUTH 201Music Theory III


MUTH 202Music Theory IV


MUTH 207Sight Singing & Ear Trng. III


Piano Proficiency Exam


Senior Recital (solo or joint)


MUMH 304: Writing in the major requirement. 

Music Ensemble: Required distribution of MUEN credits dependent on performance area.

Eight credits of the following:

One or three credits from the following:

MUED 140Voice Class


MUSI 452Vocal Pedagogy


AND 7 or 5 credits of MUAP electives (7 or 5)

7-5 credits of applied music must be in same applied performance area.

Commercial Concentration (12 credits)

One of the following options:

A. Option 1 (12 credits)
One semester (12 credits) at the Contemporary Music Center in the artist, business, or technical track.
B. Option 2 (12 credits)
Distributed as follows:
MUCM 351Music Production


MUSI 261Music Entrepreneurship


Three credits from the following:
MUCM 353Sound Design


INTE 391Internship


ARTM 401Arts Management


Five credits from the following:
MUCM 353Sound Design


INTE 391Internship


ARTM 401Arts Management


MUEN xxxMusic Ensemble electives

MUAP xxxApplied Music electives

For the concentration, the following MUEN are recommended: 114, 134, 138, 141, 142, and 148 and the following MUAP are recommended: 158, 166, 167, 168, 173, 181.

Courses taken for one requirement may not be counted towards another requirement in the major.

All music majors, except those in the Music (Business) and Music (Music and Worship) degrees, will register for Keyboard I in order to prepare for the Piano Proficiency Exam. Students who successfully pass the Piano Proficiency Exam at the end of the Fall semester will fulfill the other keyboard credit with any music course. Students who do not pass (or attempt) the Piano Proficiency exam in the fall will register for Keyboard II in the Spring semester. Students who do not pass the Piano Proficiency Exam at the end of the Spring Semester, will register for MUAP Piano lessons until the exam is passed at the end of their Sophomore year or second year as a music major. Students are allowed three attempts to pass the Piano Proficiency Exam.

QuEST Requirements

Experiential Learning requirement 0
QuEST requirements Credits
First Year Seminar 3
Oral Communication 3
Created and Called for Community (W) 3
Mathematical Sciences 3-4
Laboratory Science 3-4
Science, Technology & the World 3
Two of the following: Social Science, European or United States History 6
Literature 3
Philosophy and Religion 3
Arts waived
First Semester of Language 3
Second Semester of Language 3
Third Semester of Language or Cross Cultural 3
Non-Western Studies (MUMH 338) met/major
Bible 3
Christian Beliefs 3
Wellness course 1
Ethics, World Views or Pluralism 3
QuEST requirements 49-50
Major requirements (inclusive of concentration) 56
Free electives 18-16
Total credits 123