Grading System

Letter grades (A, B, C, D, F) carry a quality point value and are used in the computation of semester and cumulative grade point averages. Letter grades and their corresponding quality point values are as follows:

A = 4.0 B+ = 3.3 C+ = 2.3 D+ = 1.3
A– = 3.7 B = 3.0 C = 2.0 D = 1.0
B– = 2.7 C– = 1.7 F = 0.0

Credits and Quality Points. A student’s cumulative grade point average is determined by dividing the number of quality points earned by the number of credit hours attempted in which quality points may be earned (graded total). Credits transferred from other institutions do not carry quality points and are therefore not computed in the grade point average.

Repeating Courses. A student may repeat any course in which a grade of D+, D, or F was received. With repeated courses, the second grade and credits count in the calculation of the student’s cumulative GPA, but the original grade and course will remain on the student’s transcript. All repeat courses must be taken at Messiah University, including approved off-campus program, subject to the assessment of course equivalency.

Pass/Fail Grades. Undergraduate students may take a maximum of four courses on a Pass/Fail (P/F) basis (in addition to those courses formally approved as pass/fail only courses) with these conditions:

  • The course cannot be used to meet a major, minor, or General Education requirement. It must be a free elective.
  • The cutoff for Pass shall be C–.

P = Pass. Used only for a passing grade in a Pass/Fail course or when a student selects to register for a course on a Pass/Fail basis. The cutoff for pass is C–. Semester credits in which the student receives a P count toward the total required for graduation, but not toward the grade point average.

F = Failure. The grade of F is a failing grade and is included in the computation of both the semester and cumulative GPA. F applies under the following conditions:

  • The student has not done passing work for the term;
  • The student does not do passing work (earning a D+ or less) in a course graded on a Pass/Fail basis;
  • The student fails to clear an Incomplete within the specified time frame;
  • The student unofficially withdraws from a course, i.e. does not complete the necessary work and fails to make a provision for an Incomplete.

Approved Pass/Fail Only Courses. The following courses may only be taken as Pass/Fail and do not count towards the maximum number of Pass/Fail courses an undergraduate student may take.

BUSA 102, 115 HDFS 099

ENGL 391, 392, 393 MUEN 111-156

MUSI 001 TEP courses



Approved Letter Grade Only Courses. The following courses may only be taken for a letter grade:

BIOL 465

CIS 283, CIS 411 

IBI 331, IBI 339, IBI 350, IBI 390

SCIE 307

Auxiliary Symbols.

W = Withdrawal. During the middle third of the semester, students may withdraw from courses with a grade of W. The grade will be posted on the academic transcript but it will not affect the student’s GPA.

I = Incomplete. The grade of I is given when, for some major reason such as illness, a student has been unable to complete the prescribed course on schedule. It should be given rarely and never to accommodate the student who through carelessness or poor planning does not complete their work on time. For credit, an I must be resolved by the end of the fourth week after the end of the term of the course registration; otherwise, an F will be recorded.