Withdrawals and Termination of Attendance

Students who intend to withdraw from the University during the semester must do so officially by completing the Undergraduate Notification to Withdraw/Transfer form found online in FALCONLink. The date by which this form is submitted determines the percentage of refund eligibility as published by Student Financial Services. Students living in a residence hall are expected to check-out and move out of their room within 48 hours of their date of withdrawal. Unofficial withdrawals result in an F on the student transcript. Students who do not intend to return to Messiah University in a subsequent semester must also complete the Undergraduate Notification to Withdraw/Transfer form prior to the end of the final semester of enrollment. Students may submit a Notification to Withdraw/Transfer by Friday prior to the last week of regular classes. Before submitting the Notification to Withdraw/Transfer, students are encouraged to meet with the Director of Student Success or a professional from the Registrar's Office team to discuss the reasons for a withdrawal or transfer. Please be advised that after a submission has been made, the Director of Student Success may follow up to conduct a conversational exit-interview.