Nursing (BSN)

Program Coordinator: Dr. Brenda Elliott

Administrative Assistant and Clinical Coordinator: Ashley Ringquist

Program Overview

This Registered Nurse (RN) to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program is no longer enrolling new students as of Fall 2023.

Learning Objectives

Students who complete Messiah’s Nursing BSN demonstrate:

  1. Critical thinking through the integration of theoretical and empirical knowledge from general education courses and pre-requisite major specific courses
  2. Application of knowledge and skills for leadership, quality improvement, and client safety in all aspects of health care delivery
  3. Application of research for evidence-based nursing practice
  4. Use of knowledge and skills in information management and patient care technology for delivery of quality patient care
  5. Adherence to healthcare policies, including financial, regulatory, and legal parameters in all aspects of nursing practice
  6. Effective communication and collaboration with patients, families, communities, and other health care professionals for the delivery of high quality and safe patient care, including health promotion, risk reduction, disease prevention, and delivery of effective comprehensive health care services, at the individual and population level
  7. Knowledge of local and global health care issues

Major Requirements

Complete the following for the certificate:

CHEM 213Chemistry for Nursing


NUTR 222Principles of Nutrition


STAT 269Introductory Statistics


HLTH 401Healthcare Policy


HLTH 506Bioethics


NRSG 211Prof Writing for Nurses


NRSG 301Ethics for Nursing Practice


NRSG 311Health Assessment


NRSG 321Pharmacology Nursing Pract


NRSG 350Nursing Research for EBP


NRSG 370Professional Role Develop


NRSG 431Population Health


NRSG 451Nursing Leadership


NURS 500Health Informatics


NRSG 211 fulfills writing in the major requirement.

Capstone courses: NRSG 451 and NURS 506.

General Education Requirements

Adult General Education requirements Credits
Orientation 0
Writing course 3
Communication for the workplace (NRSG 370) met/major
Quantitative Reasoning and Numeracy (STAT 269) met/major
Scientific Investigation 3
Social Sciences 3
Literature, religion, philosophy, history, and arts 15
Christian Faith 3
Ethics (NURS 506) met/major
Intercultural Competence (NRSG 431) met/major
Wellness 1
General Education requirements 28
Major requirements 39
Free electives 53
Total 120