Re-enrollment to the University


Students who have withdrawn from the University (not enrolled in at least one course at Messiah University during the past semester – fall, spring, summer) must file an Application for Re-enrollment with the Office of the Registrar at least twenty (20) days prior to the beginning of the semester for which re-enrollment is being sought. Students who are granted a medical leave will be considered withdrawn if they do not enroll in at least one course at Messiah University during the semester following their medical leave.

If students applying for re-enrollment have earned undergraduate credits at another institution since their most recent enrollment at Messiah University, they must submit official transcripts from each institution attended if they want the credits to be applied as transfer credit and/or for enrollment decisions. A re-enrollment decision will be made upon review of the official transcript(s).

To be eligible for re-enrollment, applicants must be in good standing with the University and the academic program must have the capacity to accept additional students. Note that the student is required to complete the curriculum and graduation requirements in effect at the time the application is re-opened. If requirements have changed since the student’s last attendance at Messiah, they are subject to the new requirements.

Re-Evaluation for Former Students

Former students of Messiah University who did not complete outstanding degree requirements may request to re-open their Application for Degree for purposes of evaluation. Students who are more than twelve (12) months past their original anticipated date of graduation are subject to a $75 fee which is assessed at the time the application is re-opened. After the evaluation, students have six (6) months to complete the outstanding requirements for the degree and after that time may be subject to an additional fee if another evaluation is required.

Note that the student is required to complete the curriculum and graduation requirements in effect at the time the application is re-opened. If requirements have changed since the student’s last attendance at Messiah, they are subject to the new requirements.