Standards of Scholarship

Minimum Grade Point Average. Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 1.80 (0-23 credits), 1.90 (24-56 credits), or 2.00 (57 or more credits) to be considered in good academic standing. 
Academic Warning. When a student’s term GPA falls below 2.00 but the cumulative GPA is at or above the required minimum, the student will receive an academic warning. This warning is not part of the student’s permanent academic record. However, it does alert the student to potential difficulties.
Academic Probation, Suspension, and Dismissal
Academic Probation. Any student registered for 6 or more graded credits in a given semester who fails to maintain a cumulative GPA as outlined above will be placed on academic probation. A student will be removed from academic probation when his/her cumulative GPA meets the required minimum. A student on academic probation will be limited to a maximum of 14 credits per semester while on probation.
Academic Suspension. A student registered for 12 or more graded credits on academic probation whose cumulative GPA after a probationary semester remains below the minimum required will be suspended. A student registered for at least 6 graded credits and less than 12 graded credits, who after going on probation completes an additional 18 credits but has not met the required minimum cumulative GPA with the inclusion of those 18 credits, will be suspended. Any student taking six or more graded credits in a semester who receives less than a 1.00 term GPA for the semester will be suspended, whether or not the cumulative GPA would have warranted it.
Appealing Suspension. A suspension may be appealed within the time limit stated in the suspension notification. The student must file a written petition with the Registrar stating the reason for the appeal. Appeals are reviewed by the Academic Appeals Subcommittee. If the suspension appeal is granted, the student will be eligible to continue enrollment on academic probation for the following semester to allow the student to achieve good academic standing. If good academic standing is not achieved after the probationary semester, the student will be dismissed. 
Readmission. Suspended students may apply for readmission after two semesters have elapsed. When applying for readmission, the student is required to present evidence of the potential for academic success. Normally, this is demonstrated by presenting a transcript of courses successfully completed at a regionally accredited institution of higher education (earning satisfactory grades of “C” or higher) during the semesters of suspension. Readmission is not automatic and is contingent upon evidence that the student has the ability and motivation to succeed in completing college-level academic work. Requests for readmission will be considered by the Academic Appeals Subcommittee. If accepted for readmission, a student must meet the University’s standards for good academic standing within two semesters of full-time study. If this has not occurred after two semesters, the student will be academically dismissed.
Academic Dismissal

  1.  A student who is academically suspended for a second time is considered academically dismissed.
  2. A student who is academically dismissed may not apply for readmission for two years. In addition, such a student must present 24 credits of transferable work (from a regionally accredited institution of higher education earning satisfactory grades of “C” or higher) taken after the dismissal from Messiah. Requests for readmission will be considered by the Academic Appeals Subcommittee. Readmission is not automatic and is contingent upon the evidence presented and the likelihood of the student succeeding at Messiah.