Tuition and Fee Refund Policy

Any student who drops or withdraws from a course will be assessed a late registration activity fee. Tuition refunds will be calculated in accordance with Messiah University’s ADP Refund Policy and based upon the number of calendar days a student has completed upon the official date of withdrawal. There will be no tuition refunds after the student has completed at least one third of the course.

Dropping or withdrawing from a course may reduce a student’s financial aid eligibility. Students should contact Student Financial Services to find out if their aid will be affected by their decision.


Graduated Student Discount

Students who have completed their Adult Degree Program (ADP) degree requirements will be granted a 50% ADP Graduated Student Discount on tuition for all undergraduate courses in which they enroll. This discount does not apply to graduate course work, individual instruction, independent study, audited courses, continuing education courses, correspondence courses, tutored courses, credits beyond 18 in a given semester, or summer courses. 

Application for the ADP Graduated Student Discount must be made each semester if the student is enrolled on a part-time basis.