Transfer Credit Policy

Messiah University will generally accept courses for transfer credit which meet the following criteria:

  • Course must be taken at a regionally accredited institution
  • Course must be collegiate-level (developmental and remedial courses are not transferable)
  • Original official transcripts from all institutions must be submitted for review

In addition, a grade of C or higher must be obtained in the course for it to be transferable.

Messiah’s General Education transfer equivalencies

We have an online transfer course equivalency database to help discern how credits will transfer. It contains courses from Colleges that have transferred to Messiah University in the past. It is not all inclusive, but contains courses that have either been asked about or have successful transferred. Some guidelines for using the database:

  • In the “school” section type in the most significant word in the title (ex: Bucks), click “contains” or “begins with” and then click on Go.
  • Verify the University name in the box at the top of the page. If it is not correct simply click on the down arrow and choose the correct University.
  • Search for your courses

If you are trying to look up which courses you can take at your current institution to fulfill a specific requirement at Messiah, leave the option “Sort by: Messiah University Subject and Course #” selected, and search for that requirement in the right-hand column.

If you are trying to look up a course you have taken/will take and want to see if it has already been approved to transfer to Messiah, select “Sort by: Your College Subject and Course #,” and search for that course in the left-hand column.

  • The list you see are courses that have been approved next to their equivalent Messiah course.

View our online Course Equivalency Database.