Time and Record-Keeping Considerations

Academic integrity violations should be processed in a timely manner.

  1. Faculty should report academic integrity violations within a week of their discovery.
  2. Student appeals must be filed within a week of receiving the written report of an academic integrity violation.
  3. The recipient of student appeals should acknowledge receipt of the appeal within one week.
  4. Timing constraints only apply when school is in session, but processing of violations may continue during breaks.
  5. When violations occur at the end of the semester or term, faculty may file a grade of incomplete until the investigation and possible appeals are complete.
  6. Academic Integrity Violations will continue to be processed if the student withdraws from the course in which the violation occurred.
  7. Academic Integrity Violations may be reported within one semester after the course if first discovered at that time.
  8. The final results of all Academic Integrity investigations, including all appeals, should be filed with the registrar’s office.
  9. A record of academic integrity violations will be maintained by the registrar’s office in accordance with the University’s Schedule for Records Retention. However, undergraduate records will not count against students who return as graduate students.
  10. The dean will notify the faculty member filing the report and the student’s faculty advisor(s) and academic success coach of the results of all appeals. In the case of multiple or egregious violations, dean will also notify the Director of the student’s program of study, if other than the Director of the program in which the violation occurred, of the results of any appeal.
  11. On-campus program areas conducting required background checks of students (for example, teacher certification, professional advisor) should submit the students’ names and ID numbers to the registrar’s office for clearance. The registrar’s office will determine that an appropriate need to know exists under FERPA guidelines.
  12. If a Director and the registrar’s office have established that the Director has an on-going need to know about academic integrity violations, the registrar’s office will automatically notify the Director of any violations by students in that program of study after all appeals are resolved.