Biblical and Religious Studies (B.A.)

Program Overview

The Biblical and Religious Studies major equips students to interpret biblical texts responsibly and to reflect on religious beliefs and practices. By acquiring tools for biblical interpretation, theological reflection, and religious understanding, students gain insight into their own faith as well as resources for becoming leaders, servants, and reconcilers in church and society. With its emphasis on the development of reading, writing, and critical-thinking skills, the major prepares students for entry-level positions in a variety of fields, as well as seminary or graduate school. In addition to serving students who pursue this major as their primary field, the Biblical and Religious Studies major serves as an excellent double major for students in other departments who wish to be responsible members of church and society.

Program Learning Outcomes

Graduates from Messiah’s Biblical and Religious Studies program:

1.    Develop skills necessary for interpreting and applying the biblical text responsibly by understanding the basic content and historical contexts of the Bible, and by utilizing appropriate interpretive methodologies.
2.    Construct and evaluate theological arguments within the historical and global contexts of Christian belief and practice.
3.    Analyze religious beliefs and practices and how they affect individuals and societies.
4.    Describe the church as a contextually situated body.
5.    Develop intercultural and contextual awareness by engaging the complex history and legacy of Christianity as a force for good and evil, including colonialism, white supremacy, and liberating responses.
6.    Write proficiently while engaging in scholarship, utilizing research methods, journal guidelines, and proper citation techniques.
7.    Evaluate one’s gifts, strengths, and limitations with respect to vocational options.

Major Requirements

Complete the following for your major:

BIBL 202Interpreting the Bible for Majors


BIBL 239The Biblical Text


RELI 205Religions of the World


RELI 344History of Christianity


THEO 238Theology I


THEO 305Theology of Religions


THEO 338Theology II


THEO 487Biblical and Religious Studies Seminar


Three credits from the following:

BIBL 307Biblical Backgrounds


BIBL 312Selected Old Testament Books


BIBL 313Selected New Testament Books


BIBL 381Biblical Interpretation and Criticism


BIBL 382Topics in Biblical Theology


Three credits from the following:

RELI 321Christianity in Latin America


RELI 329Christianity in Africa


RELI 332Christianity in Asia


RELI 333Religions of India


RELI 334Religions of China and Japan


RELI 342Religious Pluralism in America


RELI 355Christianity in North America


Three credits from the following:

RELI 366Topics in Religion


THEO 366Topics in Theology


Three credits from the following:

THEO 343Contemporary Theology


THEO 354Theology and Gender


Three credits from the following:

CHRM 391Practicum


INTE 391Internship


INTE 391 must be taken for a letter grade to fulfill major.

General Education Requirements

Experiential Learning requirement   0
General Education requirements   Credits
First Year Seminar IDFY 101/102H  3
Written Communication ENGL 110/110H 3
Oral Communication COMM 105 3
Mathematical and Scientific Ways of Knowing Mathematics 3 or 4
Science with Lab  3 or 4 
Social Scientific Ways of Knowing
Social Science 3
Cultural/Humanistic Ways of Knowing 24GE History 3
Literary & Aesthetic Ways of Knowing
Literature or Arts 3
Cultural/Humanistic Ways of Knowing
Philosophy or Religion (RELI 205) met/major
Cultural/Humanistic Ways of Knowing 1st and 2nd Level Language 6
Intercultural Perspectives Intercultural Global or International Cross-cultural or 3rd Level Language 3
BIBL 202 met/major
Christian Beliefs
THEO 238 met/major
Holistic Wellness
WELL 1xx 1
Ethics and the Common Good
24GE Ethics and the Common Good  3
Intercultural Perspectives
Intercultural U.S. (RELI 342, RELI 355 or THEO 354or Domestic Cross-cultural met/major
Common Learning
Experiential Learning (CHRM 391, INTE 391)  met/major 
General Education requirements   37-42
Major requirements (inclusive of concentration)   39
Free Electives    42-47
Total credits   123