Auxiliary Symbols

W = Withdrawal. Given to any student who withdraws from all courses (i.e. withdraws from Messiah), or from a specific course after the 100% refund period for that course and before the final third of the part-of-term.

I = Incomplete. A grade of incomplete may be assigned if a student is unable to complete the course work for extraordinary reasons such as illness, emergency, or other reasonable cause; has completed at least two-thirds of the course; has a passing grade average; and a well-defined plan to complete the remaining course work.

Requests for an incomplete must be emailed to the course instructor before the last day of class. An incomplete grade must be resolved by the agreed upon date with the instructor but no later than the last day of classes in the following semester. The procedure to apply for an incomplete grade is as follows:

  • The student presents a valid reason and requests his/her instructor to extend the time to complete the course. If the instructor agrees to assign the grade of incomplete, the instructor will forward the terms of the agreement to the student. To be considered for an incomplete, the student must be passing the course and have completed at least two-thirds of the coursework. An incomplete should not be given merely because a student fails to complete all the course requirements on time. The instructor giving the incomplete will establish an appropriate completion date with the student. This date may extend to the end of the semester following the one in which the course was taken. If the work is not completed by the designated date, the incomplete will be changed to an “F” and will be calculated as such in the student’s grade point average.
  • When reporting final grades, the instructor will enter a grade of “I” in Self-Service. He/she will then be prompted to record an explanation for the incomplete grade. Self-Service automatically sends an e-mail message of confirmation to the instructor and the registrar’s office for review.
  • When a student completes the course work, the instructor submits a grade change request to the registrar’s office via Self-Service.
  • If a course is not completed within the extended timetable, the incomplete grade is converted to an F. Any exceptions to the timetable must be approved in advance with the instructor and the registrar’s office.

This policy keeps grade and student records up to date, provides for student emergencies, and establishes a reasonable deadline to help students avoid doing two semesters’ work at the same time. It also discourages procrastination.