Pass/Fail Grades

During a University career, students may take a maximum of four courses on a Pass/Fail (P/F) basis with these conditions:

  • The course cannot be used to meet a major, minor, certificate, or General Education requirement. It must be a free elective.
  • The cutoff for Pass shall be C–.

P = Pass. Used only for a passing grade in a Pass/Fail course or when a student selects to register for a course on a Pass/Fail basis. The cutoff for pass is C–. Semester credits in which the student receives a P count toward the total required for graduation, but not toward the grade point average.

F = Failure. The grade of F is a failing grade and is included in the computation of both the semester and cumulative GPA. F applies under the following conditions:

  • The student has not done passing work for the term;
  • The student does not do passing work (earning a D+ or less) in a course graded on a Pass/Fail basis;
  • The student fails to clear an Incomplete within the specified time frame;
  • The student unofficially withdraws from a course.