Voluntary Medical Leave

An ADP student may request a Voluntary Medical Leave for him/herself at Messiah University due to his/her own documented physical or psychological illness that prevents the ADP student from completing coursework during a part-of-term or semester. The University grants Voluntary Medical Leave for one semester based on the time of request. Students on medical leave are not withdrawn from the University; however, for federal government reporting and loan services, students on medical leave are considered withdrawn from the University.

To request Medical Leave, a student must complete the Request for ADP Medical Leave form and submit a letter from his/her medical provider that verifies that the student is under medical care for an illness and medical leave is advisable. This documentation should be sent to the Director of Graduate Curriculum and Student Services who will review the request.

The Director of Graduate Curriculum and Student Services will approve or deny the Medical Leave request. The director will notify the Registrar’s office who will then notify the student as well as appropriate offices on campus.

Original documentation and copies of the decision will be maintained in the student’s file by the Director of Graduate Curriculum and Student Services.