Grades and Completion of Academic Work

A student whose request for medical leave is approved during the first two-thirds of the part-of-term or semester will be given a grade of “W” (Withdraw) in each course for which he/she is registered. Incomplete (“I”) grades will not be recorded. A student whose request for medical leave is approved during the final third of the part-of-term or semester are medically excused and the faculty member(s) may submit an Incomplete (“I”) grade for coursework. When an Incomplete (“I”) is not deemed feasible, a Withdraw (“W”) grade will be recorded. Refunds will not be granted for Incomplete (“I”) courses. To receive academic credit for a course, incomplete work must be completed by the final day of the semester following that during which medical leave was approved. It is the responsibility of the student to contact individual instructors to arrange for the timely completion of course work. If the student does not complete work in a course within this time, the grade of “I” for that course will be changed to a “W”.