Appeal Process for Formal Hearings

Students who choose the formal disciplinary hearing may appeal both their determination of responsibility and the sanctions issued. A student wishing to appeal must submit a written appeal to the Provost within five business days of the date of the decision. The Provost will hear appeals of all cases originally heard by the ADP Council Community Standards Sub-Committee.

The Provost has the option to decide the case solely upon written material provided by the student, or may review the record of the disciplinary hearing, examine evidence, and interview witnesses. The Provost may uphold or reduce the original sanctions imposed but may not increase the sanctions. Upon production of previously unavailable evidence which may materially affect the decision of the hearing officer or body, the Provost may remand the case for a full or partial rehearing. A written decision will be rendered within seven working days of the conclusion of the review process. In all cases, the decision of the Provost will be final.